
How aromas can help you increase productivity at the office

Being productive every day, may result impossible sometimes, mostly when your mind is exhausted. Even after a well deserve vacation it’s tough to pick up a high level of productivity.

However, when you think about increasing your productivity the last thing that would come to your mind would be aromatherapy, which takes advantage of aromatic plants properties to stablish balance and harmony of body and mind.

An aroma may bring with it a series of memories almost forgotten, how is this possible? Well, the olfactory bulbs that form the smell sense are connected to the areas of the brain that work emotions, memory and learning. This makes the smell a very powerful sense. That’s why when you smell something your memory is activated. This association smell-memory generates the use of essential oils.

Essential oils not only help you be healthier, but also improve your performance at work, they make you more productive and give you that extra energy that you need to give a little bit more. What are the aromas that help you improve productivity?

Here are the most popular ones:

1.- Lemon: promotes concentration and has calming and clarifying properties that are helpful when you’re feeling angry, anxious or run down. It relieves tension and depression.

2.- Lavender: helps control emotional stress and combats fatigue. It also treats headaches and migraines.

3.- Cinnamon: helps fight mental fatigue and improves concentration and focus

4.- Peppermint: it’s an energy booster; this scent invigorates the mind, promotes concentration and stimulates clear thinking. It’s great for brainstorming.

5.- Rosemary: Improves memory retention, fights physical exhaustion, headaches and mental fatigue. It’s ideal to wake up on Monday mornings.

6.- Jazmin: calm nerves, but this oil is also commonly used as an anti-depressant because of its uplifting capabilities that produce a feeling of confidence, optimism and revitalized energy, which also helps with productivity

If you want to increase your productivity simply choose the aroma you consider more suitable for you or the situation. Apply directly on your skin (wrist, under nose or temples) or on a hanky to smell it when needed. Relax, destress and confirm results.

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